Quick Sketch/ Rapid Sketch to introduce 'The Seven Elements' used in Visualization
Draw a quick sketch to present the seven elements (People, Place Process, Speech, Text, Colour & Effect)
Media : Pen /Calligraphy Pen / Grey Marker(Cool mix with Warm)/A3 Cartridge Paper
Today, Communication & Visualization class has introduce us the 7 ELEMENTS in ways of visualizing the ideas. So i tried to explain my understanding of the seven elements using a simple storyline of a office man daily life. As in the quick sketch i used different kind of arrow to indicate different elements (the arrow used to show the flow is bigger than smaller arrow t show the flow in the process part & the smallest to label the 'visualize elements'with some simple texts. I had make the effect thumbnail as the hierarchy in order to show the effect that i want to deliver as it was seen (happy, excited, impact, positive colour).